Opening Hours
Get in touch to come and visit
Mon - Fri: 8.45am - 3pm Sat: Closed Sun: Closed
Term time Only
Breakfast Club: 7.45am onwards for Preschool and Morda Primary pupils
About Us
From the Beginning
Creativity. Happiness. Friendship. Teamwork. Respect. Enjoyment. Kindness. Honesty. Encouragement. Nurture. Patience. Learning. Understanding. These are our core values here at Morda across the whole setting; and values we endeavour to instill in our community. It is these skills and qualities that children will develop at Morda Preschool. Since our beginnings it has been our priority to work with parents in a partnership and support our families transitions, to and from Preschool, to be seamless and happy. All our environments are designed to adequately nurture the emotional and intellectual growth of our children. Through invitations to learning and hands-on opportunities, our young children are free to develop into bright young minds.